Thursday, February 27, 2014

Manhattan From The Sky

As most of the country has been experiencing, this crazy polar vortex weather has been out of control. I'm over it. I want summer. I am sick of the snow. Make it stop damn it! Rant.Over.Even.Though.The.Snow.Is.Not. So one crazy morning a few weeks ago we had a crazy fog in the area. Crazy fog does not even begin to describe. Getting to the train was tricky and everyone was creeping through the streets to get to work. It was unbelievable! But nothing was more unbelievable than when I showed up at work and peeked out the window. 

If you can ignore the ugly office lights reflecting in the windows, I think this view is pretty unbelievable. The first picture is a view looking uptown and you honestly can't see anything except the buildings across the street and a block up. But the rest are all views of the Jersey side across the Hudson River. Only the skyscrapers are visible, like the world below doesn't even exist. Just buildings floating on clouds, protruding from the mists. It stayed like this for majority of the day and then quickly disappears late afternoon like it never happened. It was better than being on an airplane above the clouds - more realistic, kind of. It's kind of hard to describe it as anything other than beautiful. It was beautiful.

Like Kate Voegele once said...or wrote a song, "Manhattan From The Sky". And that is exactly what it was. 


  1. I really did think the first photo was from an airplane (from the preview photo on Bloglovin'). Very cool must have a fabulous view from your office when the weather is clear!

  2. Whoa, those photos are unbelievable! Pretty! I can't believe all the crazy weather everyone has been having this winter. And for some reason (knock on wood) the PNW has been spared! But just think... only a few more weeks until spring!!

  3. Loved the photos! It feels like a scene from a movie! :)

    1. I know right!! It was pretty amazing in person. I hate when pictures don't do a beautiful view any justice!
