Friday, January 10, 2014

Five on Friday!

I have never done a ‘themed’ Five on Friday but I was thinking about how I have yet to post any 2014 resolutions and this may be the perfect opportunity to share. I’m not too big on resolutions but it may help me to stick to these little resolutions since I’m now sharing with the world, I am a little more held to deliver!

one :: I am always being conscious of living a healthy lifestyle, eating smarter and healthier and trying to be in good shape. (typical goal I know I know!) However, as we all know this tends to get lost in the wind, or chaos of life throughout the year and I tend to lose track of what I am trying to accomplish. On my 30 before 30 I would like to be in the best shape of my life! I have 5 years to reach that goal, but I plan on doing it ASAP rather than later. I rejoined the gym right after Christmas so I have had a head start, and now I have a bunch of gym buddies to keep me motivated. I definitely think I can beat this goal and continue to live a healthy lifestyle in 2014!

two :: I have been saving to purchase my first house! Since about a year ago, I have really debated whether I wanted to make a huge, expensive, scary, big purchase for myself and it is such a difficult decision to make. I have debated on whether to purchase a house or a condo based on the responsibility of a house and all the work that goes into it. Or whether I want the condo since I am not married yet, although the boy will be coming along with, and eventually keep it as an investment. Also, the housing market is SOOOO expensive in this area since we are so conveniently located right outside of NYC, but I also need to be fairly close because of my job. There are a lot of decisions to be made but I am working towards making this thing happen this year!


three :: I would love to focus more on the now rather than the what’s next? I find myself always being stressed about what is going on tomorrow, next week, next month! My mind is always racing and I guess that it the planner in me. I always have to have a plan and some organized way to do everything and it sometimes takes the fun out things. I need to allow things to just happen, not worry about timing or scheduling and just enjoy NOW. Enjoy today, because life it truly too short and if things are good now let them be good and worry about the bad when it happens. We can’t always predict, plan or prevent bad things from happening, that’s life, but I need to learn to roll with it and work it out later.


four :: Spend more time with friends and family. They don’t lie when they say time flies! Well, it really does! Can you believe it is January 10 already! It was Christmas like last week right?!! I am in such a routine of wake up, go to work, come home, go to the gym, go to bed and repeat. Yes I see my family everyday when I get home and I see the boy every morning as he drives me to the train but we don’t really spend time together. Yes, I see my friends-some on the weekends, some once a month and some I don’t even realize it has been months since I’ve seen their faces! I get it we are all on this busy schedule called life and we always tend to pick up where we left off but it saddens me that we all don’t spend as much time together as we used to or as we should. I hope that in 2014 I can learn to make more time to spend with my family and friends, whether they are a across town, across the river in NYC or across the country.


five :: Kindness. I have posted about kindness before here and it is truly something that is so important to me. It is a shame how oblivious we are to what is around us sometimes that we take for granted the simplest things in life. We are worried about running here or getting there that we don’t observe what’s really going on. People sometimes assume that being kind is something the just can’t “afford”. Being kind doesn’t have to be about money or donating to a cause or buying a coffee for the person behind you (although these are all kind things). But we can also focus on the simple things, the small things that really mean the most. Something like holding the door for the person a few steps behind you, giving up your seat on the train, smiling at someone who looks like they are having a day from hell. I hope in 2014 that at least once a day I can make someone else appreciate kindness. I hope I can be kind and spread kindness to others.

Apologize for this ridiculously long post!!

Happy 2014! Happy weekend!!


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