Monday, June 23, 2014

Check That Off

So this past weekend I was looking forward to laying around doing a whole bunch of nothing. I got my haircut watched some soccer with the family and then we decided to hit up the beach on Sunday. Sounds perfect right? Wrong.

My friend came up with an idea, which sounded great at the time, to walk from one of Jersey's most popular beaches to another one. This trek is about 12 miles on the beach, one way, which would make this whole adventure 24 miles total back to the car. We all work out regularly so we figured it would be a great workout and a great way to catch a tan. Well some great ideas turn into the most idiotic // dumb ass of ideas...ever!

Let me shed some light on this fabulous trip we were about to dive into. Please note, Google will not map anything on the beach so I had to use the streets that run along side the beach but you get the idea. Also, I enlarged as much as I could to fit it on one screen. Now I get it, it looks like a far walk but who doesn't like a nice walk on the beach, looking for shells and sea glass? There was no way we were running the entire thing, we just wanted a nice walk on the beach which seemed absolutely doable.

Well nice walk it was not. The miles never ended!!! After a few miles you could see the Seaside boardwalk but it never seemed to get any closer. Ever. And if that doesn't convince you as to just how miserable it was here is a mini list as to why I will never do that again:
1. With about 4 or 5 miles left, the arches in my feet were killing me. Like limping.
2. My calves were on fuego. Seriously, not normal workout burning but actually burning.
3. Back pains were out of control. Child labor I am ready for you.  
4. It's fun the first few times a big wave comes to cool you off, not after wave 87. Over it.
5. Sunburn. Enough said.

My Italian skinned self was too embarrassed to take a real picture as to how burnt I got. (And I put on SPF 30 - twice!!) Here shows an example of what I look like on this lovely Monday morning.
Legit. No joke. Exact tan lines.
How was your sunny weekend? 

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