In honor of Thanksgiving, I
decided to list out a few things I am thankful for. Not only thankful for
today, or this week, but thankful for all the time-everyday.
one :: I am thankful
for my beautiful, loving, sometimes crazy family. My parents, brother, aunts,
and cousins are a huge part of my life. We always know how to make each
other laugh or cry. We
always find ways to pick on each other (mostly it’s a gang
up on one person for the day) but no matter
what is going on in our busy lives,
we always have each other. We can always round the troops and get
together for
anything. I am truly thankful for these people and I couldn’t ask for anyone
two :: My angel baby
puppy muffin. She is my life. I am so thankful that past events in my life,
that I couldn’t understand needed to happen for a reason or else I wouldn’t
have her and wouldn't get
to spend my days snuggling with my puppy every day. She is happy no matter
what her day was like and
I think we can all learn a little something from our
pets. No matter how rough or tough our days are at
the end of the night, we need to be
a little overly excited to see the one’s you love, even if you just saw
them this
morning. Life’s too short to be upset all the time!
three :: The boy. He
truly knows how to light up my life. I am so blessed to have him by my side. I
thankful for all the moments we have together, whether it is spending our
weekends running around,
going on our spontaneous adventures or seeing each
other for 10 minutes after a long days work, I love
him and I am thankful to
call him mine.
four :: My health. So
many people take for granted being healthy, being able to stand up, to run, to
to feel, to breathe. As the famous saying goes, "you don’t know what you’ve
got ‘till it’s gone", I am so
appreciative that I am healthy. I could always be
improving this working out more BUT I am thankful
that I have the
ability to know I can work out and therefore I am thankful.
five :: My job. I am
thankful that I have a place to go every day to spread my wings, learn
new and teach something new to someone else. Yes, I understand it is
WORK, however, I am so
fortunate that I have a great job at such a young age
when so many people do not. I am thankful I can
provide for myself, and
eventually a family. I am thankful that I can lend a helping hand when disaster
strikes or a charity is standing outside the supermarket. I am thankful for my
job being fun and
interesting and much more than just a job.
six :: I am thankful,
that there are still so many kind hearted people in the world. Sometimes, it is
hard to see the good all around us when there is so much evil going on - when
the news only focuses on
the bad, the negative and the disasters occurring all
around us. I am thankful for those who continue to
show kindness and continue
to be the greater good. It is so true folks; there is still a lot of good in
world. We just need to focus on it a little more it rather than the bad and
maybe it will shine through.
Maybe it will shine brighter than the bad and the
seven :: I am
thankful for all of you. I started my blog as a new adventure for myself. A new
a way to express myself, meet new people and see where the blogging
world can take me. I am so
thankful that in only a month I have met some pretty
great people. I have learned so many interesting
things about make-up, running, eating better, new recipes, funny stories, you name it!! I have received
love, kind words, and thoughtful notes. I never would
have imagined my blog would become what it is
so far and I just want you,
anyone reading, to know that I am thankful for you.
I could probably go
on and on, but this post is getting pray-tay wordy! Be thankful, be kind and
your holiday weekend!