If you missed the beginning of my trip to Charleston, you can find Part I here.
So for some strange reason the battery on my camera died and when I tried to switch out the batteries it was stuck and wouldn't come out. I was NOT going to be coming home to tell my boyfriend I broke the camera trying to get the battery out like an idiot so I tucked it away and used my cell phone for the remainder of the day.
We decided to continue our walk through town and head towards the water. It was a pretty hot day and the cool sea breeze felt amazing.

We walked along the water as we headed back toward the center town and it was just beautiful. After the drama with our flight it was just so nice to stroll around and relax. As we walked along the water we ended up in a part of Charleston called "Rainbow Row". This is a street of homes that are all painted a bunch of different bright colors. These homes were built back in the 1700s and it was, again, so cool to see such history. Plus the fact that people were so fun and clever back then to paint homes this way.

Since we were only staying for the day, we didn't want to waste the entire day on a carriage doing a tour. After the fact I realized, we probably should have done it but we were strapped for time. I highly recommend doing the tour! Like I said there is SO MUCH history here it would have definitely been worth it. Since we were walking around seeing everything we possibly could by ourselves, we took advantage of the tours happening around us and we would stop and listen to hear what the guide was saying. Can we say perfect timing on this house below. We just so happened to catch the guide telling his tour that parts of The Notebook were filmed inside of this mansion! As well as a bunch of other famous movies. He lawyer who owns the house now actually allows tours throughout the house if you are interested. If we never had stopped we would not have known that fun fact! So much history. I will definitely be doing a full tour the next time I get to visit. I can only imagine what else there is to learn about this little place.

Below are just a bunch of beautiful mansions we walked past and I had to capture to show my family back home. A girl can dream can't she?!!

As you can see Charleston was amazing!!! I seriously can't wait to come back and visit again and get to see many more amazing things about it! If anyone is traveling and would like so recommendations let me know!
I am just drooooling over all those gorgeous houses!!! I've never been to Charleston, but it's definitely a place I'd love to visit!!