one :: As I was away for a few days, I have fallen behind on my blog reading - and work has been no help in that department as it has been keeping me way too busy. I plan on playing catch up this weekend as I miss reading some of my favorites!
two :: The beach!!! I am finally getting my butt to the Jersey Shore this weekend and the weather man couldn't have predicted better weather! Hopefully it doesn't change as it so often does. Can't wait to get my toes in the water!
three :: Student loans how I loath thee. I found out that my interest rate has increased without my knowledge so my big Friday night out will be spent at the bank trying to get a new loan with a lower interest rate. How do they ever expect us to get out of this mess?!! Any advice is welcome :)
four :: NY/NJ has been H.O.T. the last week and I am not going to complain for a minute. I have been waiting for this weather all winter ... and it was a long one! Which reminds me how much I need to update my summer wardrobe. Between working out and items in my closet that are just too worn, I find the need to add a few extra items this summer. Now all I need to do is find time to get to the malls or browse through some websites.
five :: GAME.OF.THRONES. I am reading the book and watching the seasons on hbogo.com Can we say obsessed much? Jon Snow = swoon! I can't read these babies fast enough to catch up to the end of season 4. I heard the finale was ridiculous. But that is expected! Anyone else love it as much as I do?!
What does your weekend look like? Hope you have a sunshine filled one!
How on earth did the interest rate on your student loan increase? I didn't know variable rate student loans even existed! I'm sorry, girl...good luck getting that straightened out!
ReplyDeleteI hate when student loan providers try to change stuff and they just never even notify you. Hopefully you can talk them back down on the rate- good luck! =\ Just think happy thoughts about that beach though, im envious!