As I was sitting on the train this morning, I noticed that it was a little less crowded - such a normal Friday observation. Especially in the summers, Friday commutes are always less congested, less hectic and less stressful. Majority of people decided to either work from home on Fridays or completely take they day to kick off the weekend early. With less people smooshed into one subway car, it is easier to see the faces of my fellow commuters. I can see who is still tired from a thirsty Thursday happy hour last night or who had their morning coffee already. Some commuters are reading books or kindles, some play games or read emails. Others close their eyes to relax or blast music for the rest of us to enjoy...or loathe.
But as I look up from my own book and look around at the people in their normal morning routine, or so I assume, I wonder where they are really going. The train, second, train I take to work has about 250,000 riders per day. PER DAY! That is a lot of people riding on and off all day long. And I wonder, where are you all going? Where are you coming from? It may sound like a strange or creepy question to ask but I am so intrigued by people's stories. I love meeting new people and listening to where they grew up or went to college. It's interesting to me to hear where someone went to college, how they chose such a far place from home, and where their college career led them to begin their actual career.

Call me crazy but it is so interesting to me. Maybe that is why I enjoy blogging so much. Meeting so many people from all over the country and the world and getting to read about their travels, struggles, accomplishments is so fascinating. I love learning of people's journeys and what they have learned along the way. Can I learn something from them and their experiences? Maybe listening to someone talk will change my life forever? Or maybe make me see something in a different perspective I never could have imagined.
There is a familiar saying I hear every so often..."Never stop smiling, you never know who might be falling in love with your smile."
To that I say, Never stop telling your story, you never know who's life you may change by sharing it".