This weekend started off a little slow but in the end it
was eventful. I probably should have said that given the title of this post.
Classy...very classy. Anyway, Friday was a relaxing night and much needed! This
week at work has been a little crazy and it's only going to continue. Plus,
during my morning commute the ice started melting off the tall buildings and
crashing down on people getting out of the subway SO they ended up closing the
train and it was a wee bit chaotic to say the least. End result, Friday we just
relaxed and watched the Ranger game and a little of the opening ceremony to the
Olympics. We LOVE the Olympics or anything athletic so we were excited
for it to finally start.

Saturday we were little adventurists and headed into the
city to explore. We ended up going to the Museum of Sex on 5th Ave. Now, I know
some people are thinking the worst things possible, trashy, disgusting, porn
filled, perverted animal you are, no. It was a museum about sex and there
were a few things I could have lived without seeing, however there were some
interesting things there. They only have a few exhibits but it was quite
interesting to learn about the habits of people regarding sex, internet
obsessions, the evolving Facebook and sexting era we are in and the act of sex
between animals - which was quite interesting. Would I go back, not for $15 a
ticket, but it was definitely an experience I can say I have done. For
understandable reasons, I did not take any pictures besides the one below,
although it was allowed, which was another interesting fact, but you are more
than welcome to visit their website here.
Pun intended?
After that little viewing, we ended up strolling around the
city, per usual acting like tourists that have never set foot in Manhattan and
just enjoyed the crisp air and noticing buildings we have never noticed before,
but may have walked past a million times. That is the thing I love about New
York City, you can visit a hundred times, I work there 5 days a week 52 weeks
for over 3 years now and I still am amazed at the things we find, the places we
discover and the memories we make. As much as I would love to move out of New
Jersey and become a part of another city, I don't think I can ever truly pull
myself away from this amazing place I call home.
23rd Street and
Union Square Market
After all the walking and the temperate dropping
tremendously and having to pee like nobody's business, we decided to grab
some dinner. If you are new here and haven't seen all the wonderful Halloween
posts, you will see that the boy is highly obsessed with all things Halloween.
He has been dying to get into Jekyll and Hyde Restaurant so we decided it was
the perfect opportunity. I have to say if you ever get the chance to be in NYC
you have to get there for lunch or a quick dinner. The food is good, basic
American items on the menu. They have entertainment and actors walking around
which was pretty...entertaining. We had a few good laughs a few good drinks and
called it a successful day.
No matter where we are, no matter what we are doing, we
always manage to have the most amazing times together. The memories we are
making are what I am going to cherish most. I love capturing these moments so
that I will never forget all the adventures we went on, all the laughs we had.
I can look back and close my eyes and remember how the air felt, the smell of
the street carts roasting nuts and the smile on this guys face. I will be able
to tell my children and their children the best stories from when I was growing
up. I will be able to show them these pictures and show them what life was like
for us. And that is what life is truly about. I am so blessed to have weekends
like this and I can't wait to experience a thousand more.
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