I am normally not a huge makeup fan. The basic quick brush of a bronzer, eye liner and mascara and I'm out the door...well most times I am briskly putting on my mascara in the car on my way to the train station, but all in all, that's pretty much it. I don't have time in the morning to mess with a primer, foundation, highlighter, bronzer, blush yada yada. Don't get me wrong, on a Saturday night going to a club or a bar or even to dinner with the boy, I will spend the time to get dolled up. Let's face it, what girl doesn't love getting all pretty for a night out. But still, I wasn't a huge fan of foundation or concealer. I didn't like the way my face felt with it on and I always felt like I was clogging up my pores with gunk.

This winter has been brutal, and I must have not gotten a dark enough tan last summer because I am looking quite pasty these days and decided I needed to do something about it. Every once in a while I will use a tinted moisturizer but I felt like I needed something else to save my pale colorless self. So I did what any girl would do, and hit up Ulta for some inspiration. I have heard about BB Cream for a while now and heard nothing but excellent things, so that's what I decided to do. I purchased the Too Faced BB Creme and I have to say I am quite impressed.
This stuff is so light and fluffy (I sound like I'm describing a cake #fatgirlproblems) but it is! I'm not too sure about the brush, so I am open to any recommendations for something better, but this stuff is pretty great. It goes on smooth and I barely feel like I have anything on my face. It doesn't feel greasy, which I HATE, and it doesn't feel cakey, which I also HATE. It is light but also has great coverage. Any little bumps, pores or lines I see on my face are easily covered up without feeling like I am going to regret it the next morning when they look worse. I can honestly say my face has actually looked better since I have been using it. Now don't get it twisted, I am not using it every day before work, ain't nobody got time for that still. But I do try to get it in as quickly as possible if I notice I have a few extra minutes in my morning, and I definitely wore it this past weekend.
Overall, I would definitely recommend this stuff. And it is not that expensive at all! I feel like certain makeup products can run you quite a bit of money but the price is right for this bad boy. As I continue on my new makeup purchasing journey I would love if you have any other great products out there to recommend for this lady over here. What's your favorite foundation or concealer?
I just recently switched foundations because Smashbox stopped making my ultimate favorite foundation of all time {ugh...hate when that happens!}, but anyway, I'm now using Cargo liquid foundation (from Ulta)...it's light and lets my skin breathe. I still rely on Smashbox for my powder (Halo Hydrating Perfecting Powder)....it's pricey, but it lasts forever.