After our terrible loss on that lovely Tuesday, I wasn't too worried because we would be playing the Islanders again the next week in the Stadium Series. If you are not familiar with hockey I will gladly fill you in. For the first tim ever, the NHL and Coors Light decided to host several hockey series around the country which would take place in an outdoors baseball stadium. Obviously baseball stadiums are outside. Duh. So in NY there was a 3 game series, Rangers vs Devils, Rangers vs Islands and Devils vs Islanders. We had been waiting for tickets to go on sale for MONTHS and when they finally hit the internet shops we were on it. Tickets, of course were ridiculously expensive but we waited a little while longer and bought tickets that were just mildly expensive.
Excited was an understatement. However, we were never expecting NY/NJ to get one of the coldest winters. Ever. But we figured hey! We will layer up, drink up and suck it up. We were going to watch the NY Rangers play one of our biggest rival teams in the legendary Yankee Stadium. It was seriously a once in a lifetime experience, because who knew if they were ever going to have another serious like this one. Plus we were all pumped up about the big loss on Tuesday so we were ready to for a big win and a fun experience.
Well an experience we had. Let.Me.Tell.You. I guess you never truly realize how many people show up to Yankee games, because most of the fans are located in New York and take the subway but when you have Ranger fans from both NY and NJ plus NJ Devils fans=WAY too many cars and not enough parking. So we were stuck in a ridiculous amount of traffic or really dead stop cars all over the place trying to figure out where to go since every parking garage was filled. Okay I'm done complaining about such a fun day. We finally made it in there and it was crazy!! Hockey fans are pretty crazy on a normal day but for such a special occasion it was amazing to see everyone so hyped up and excited for the game.
If I told you it was cold there I would be lying. It was beyond freezing. Remember when I said I am done complaining?? I need to document this so I will never forget the coldest day in my entire life. Like I said we have been having one of the coldest winters ever. It was approx. 17 degrees on this lovely Sunday afternoon, it just snowed the day before and there was a chance of flurries around 3pm. Plus in any outdoor stadium there is always a wind tunnel...and it was pretty windy! But that didn't stop almost 60,000 people and it didn't stop us. But it should have. I had on more layers than you could possible imagine - I dressed for an Antarctica excursion. I was always told...dress COLD. Cleanliness. avoid Overdressing. Loose layers. Dryness. C.O.L.D. Did.Not.Work.One.Bit. I still froze. I was so cold that I didn't even want to drink. That's how you know its bad!
We all looked ridiculous all bundled up and and I was dancing around like a crazy person but in my mind movement was best? No. Still didn't help. What did help was heading to the bathroom between periods and just, well hang out! It was so warm in there it gave you a little break from the bitterness outside. And then it started to snow. Wonderful. I guess we were numb enough that the snow just made for a good story and it made the wintery outdoor game that much more outdoorsy feeling. It was such a cool experience and such an authentic hockey feel. Aside from not being able to move any of my limbs or phalanges the game was awesome!! The Rangers killed it and kicked lots of Devils booty!! We ended up winning 7-3. YES 7-3!!!! They couldn't have played any better. We were yelling and giving high fives all around to celebrate. We had a great view and I was able to watch with great people and if I could do it all over again, I would. It was an experience and a memory I will always have, to say I saw an amazing hockey game played in one of the most famous baseball stadiums. And of course to celebrate our well deserved win..FIREWORKS!! My favorite thing in the world are fireworks! Such a great day of hockey.
You can bet your bottom dollar I was more than happy to get into the car though. Anyone get a chance to go to the other Stadium Series games in Chicago and LA??
Oh my gosh, I love hockey but I've definitely never watched a game OUTSIDE... how cool!!