Hockey has been a part of my family for years and years! My dad played when he was growing up, my uncles have played and still play, my cousins play(ed) girls and guys, my brother has been playing since he was 3 and my boyfriend grew up playing and still plays as well. To say we are hockey fans is an understatement! For the Olympics, we all woke up at 7:00am last Saturday and Sunday (my entire "relaxing" weekend) and headed over to my uncles house for breakfast and to watch USA play. We are died hards for some hockey.

For Christmas, my aunt and uncle bought us all tickets to go see the NY Rangers play in the NY Islanders in January. BIG.RIVAL.GAME. This had to be one of the best presents I received this year and one that was not at all expected. We are pretty simple and usually just give/receive money because we are a bunch of pains in the butt and my aunt would rather us be happy and buy something we truly want. But this was definitely something I wouldn't have thought of to spend my money on, and this was just too special for them to even think about doing for all of us, together.

So on January 21st, all 5 of us, headed up to Madison Square Garden to catch the game. Except mother nature felt like playing little games with us, because going to the game and having a great time was just too easy. That day, NY received one of the biggest snow storms. The snow came down that day so hard and fast, and the city was just unable to keep up with it. Luckily, my one cousin and I work in the city so getting to the game was a breeze. Two of my other cousins headed into the city early enough but one had car trouble and they had to wait for AAA to come bail him out. My poor brother left work early, and what normally takes him 25-30 minutes to get back into town from work to catch the train took him over 2 hours! Yeah, this storm was not messing around. He missed his initial train and was waiting at the train station for another 45 minutes for the next one. Finally, he made it to the city and we all got to enjoy some dinner and a few drinks and talk about how excited we were for the game.

It was such a good game and I always have such a great time with them. We are always laughing and making fun of each other, just as cousins should. Unfortunately, we had lost the game after being up 3-1 the entire time, but we were playing them again later in the week so it was just a matter of time till we sought out our revenge!!! I kid..not really. This is a rivalry people.
And for a little entertainment, apparently the guy in front of us wanted no part of being at the game and was bored out of his mind, because he decided there was more important things he rather be watching the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Proof below.
Come on guy! You're at a damn hockey game!! Not even I wanted to be watching the RHBH! Where are your priorities sir? There is a game going on and we would prefer to have the MSG channel on for replays please and thank you!