So since I was having trouble selling my good condition clothing, I would just throw them in a bad and donate. Until, my cousin introduced me to Poshmark. If you haven't heard of Poshmark it is an app on your phone that you can download for free and then sell your clothes or buy new stuff at crazy discounted prices! You just use the app to take pictures of the items you want to post give them a price, a name brand if necessary and that's it!! It's actually very easy and very fun! As I cleaned out part of my closet, I would take something out, hang it up outside the closet, take a quick pic and voila! You just created your virtual closet. After that I just folded it up in a nice pile in a basket at the bottom of my closet for easy access if anyone wants to purchase anything. It is so much fun getting invited to "parties" and seeing all the things you can find on there.

I highly recommend checking out Poshmark! If you do, check out My Closet here. I plan on adding a lot more things in there so check it out! And if you do join follow me so I can follow you back and check out your closet!!
What?! I totally need this app!! Thanks for sharing!