A few weeks ago I was waiting in the train station in Hoboken, NJ on my way home from work late one night. If you have ever been to any of the train stations in the a big city, you will sadly know it is not the happiest place to frequent after nightfall. The strain on our country's economy is more than evident at the train stations as they are the home to too many less fortunate people in the area. In no way does this justify the situation, but living near New York City all of my life I have become pretty accustomed to seeing people sleeping on benches, in train stations and on subway platforms. No matter how often I see it though, it doesn't make the goosebumps lessen or the chills disappear. I truly wish I could help each and every person in need that I see, but that is just not a realistic option.
As I am sitting there trying to warm up from the cold walk out of the subway, a gentleman walks in with a car FULL of water bottles, containers filled with take-out food and sandwiches. It was definitely not the first time this man had showed up to take care of the less fortunate people in the station, because as I look up from my phone I hear the mumbles "The food guy is here! The food guy came back tonight!" Heartbroken...doesn't even begin to describe my feeling at this moment. As I look around the station I see everyone start to stand up and walk to the back stairwell and line up in a perfectly formalized line. No yelling, no pushing just patience as they waited their turn. Others who never realized were awoken by this man and others in the station so they were not left out on their first meal in who knows how long.
Amazing. Truly amazing. Before the items were distributed, they prayed to God and thanked him for the meals before them and to guide them in their struggles. Again, amazing. They all took their food and water back to their designated areas of the station and sat quietly like nothing ever happened.
I was in awe. In awe that this man makes this is routine to help. In awe that these people, as hungry and tired as they were, had more patience than anyone I work with, travel with on the train or see on their streets during a normal day. I was in awe of the kindness shown not only by the man bringing food, but the people receiving it. I have spoke about kindness before on this blog of mine and I stick to my guns that people need to more kindness in their lives. It was a moment like this that reminded me that there are still good people out there amongst all the chaos and cruelty.

Be the change. Show kindness no matter how small the act may be. Doing something, anything for someone you know or don't know. You never know when you will be making someones day a 100 times better.
Wow! What an awesome story! Pretty sure I would have been in tears if I had witnessed this!
ReplyDeleteThis story seriously brightened my day and inspired me! I would have been in awe too if I witnessed what you did.
ReplyDeleteOh wow, what an amazing thing to see! How cool and seriously inspiring, thank you so much for sharing!
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing thing to witness. I'm glad you shared. I don't go on trains very often. lol Do you watch Ellen? I like her segments where she sends out Andy and she pays people who help him in really weird situations. It brings to light that we don't always help each other out.