I hope you all had a wonderful
Thanksgiving Holiday!
After eating leftover for the last 4 days, and turkey salad wrap for lunch today I am officially over turkey. I will take the sides all day long, but turkey I bid you farewell. I can’t wait to have a nice piece of steak for dinner tonight!
After eating leftover for the last 4 days, and turkey salad wrap for lunch today I am officially over turkey. I will take the sides all day long, but turkey I bid you farewell. I can’t wait to have a nice piece of steak for dinner tonight!
This weekend was relaxing and
fun and a little chilly! Wednesday we were able to leave work super early to
start off the weekend! Waahooo! Except, this little lady missed the midday
train home and had to sit in the station for over an hour. Fun. To add to all the fun I was having on Wednesday, I was not
feeling well AT ALL. Sick & missing the train…4 day weekend couldn’t have
happened at a better time. After a much needed nap, I got all dolled up and
headed out to our local bar for Thanksgiving Eve Celebrations!
Every year, the biggest party night of the year, we all head out to the bars to drink spend time with friends and see old friends we haven't seen all year, or in years. We originally planned on staying just for a few hours and then heading home early so we could wake up and run into the city to watch the Macy's Parade Live! Please read below for outcome.
Every year, the biggest party night of the year, we all head out to the bars to drink spend time with friends and see old friends we haven't seen all year, or in years. We originally planned on staying just for a few hours and then heading home early so we could wake up and run into the city to watch the Macy's Parade Live! Please read below for outcome.
Of course we were will these cuties and my cutie gave my the honor of a quick pic between talking.
For some reason we thought it was hysterical that I was given this glass to drink from all night. Strange but kinda funny. I guess. If you were there. Haha!

And after that, the next thing we knew it was 3:00am and we were closing the bar!! Whaat?!! So much for getting home early to be up early. Unfortunately, we didn't make it to the parade, but I guess we picked a good year to miss it since the wind was pretty bad and some of the balloons weren't brought out. Next year it is on!
So I ended up watching it on the couch with my pup, and my dad as tradition goes.
We always host Thanksgiving at our house every year, and this year was no different. Except for our little 'field trip' we had to take. After the fam showed up, all 20 something of us, we had some apps and all piled in the car to drive about 6 minutes from the house to my cousins brand new brewery!!!
My beer loving, home beer brewing cousin has finally signed a lease on a building where he will open up his own brewery!

Home of Brix City Brewery!!!

I am so unbelievably proud of him for this amazing accomplishment. I only got a shot of the warehouse portion of the place but there will also be a bar for tasting and hanging out. This please was so big and beautiful, even though it was empty! Hahaa! But I can totally visualize all the equipment in place and people touring all day long! If you are ever in the area please let me know we would love for you to come by! I am working on my craft beer vocabulary and will hopefully be behind the bar!
Every Thanksgiving we have our annual Football Takedown! We move all the cars from in front of the house, mark the two telephone poles as the end zone and hope for no injuries! This year, since it was quite chilly and it was a pretty awesome idea, we decided to have our game in the "dome"...or the empty warehouse! It was soo much fun to play in there and run around like we were little kids. All the pictures are on my uncles camera as I was too busy kicking some butt! But you can imagine the laughs and the nonsense that went on.
Thank god for the game because we all built up an appetite for winner winner turkey dinner!! I suck and there are no food pictures! Like I said, we built up some serious appetites! For desert we celebrate Gram's birthday! She is the cutest and the head honcho of the family and it was great we were all there to celebrate!
Another tradition we have in our family is Holiday Poker! Every holiday after we are fat and plump we sit around the table and play a game of Texas Hold'em. Unfortunately, I did not win this year (I killed it last year though!) but it still a lot of fun. We are always joking around with each other, laughing at the outcome or yelling at the football game in the background. No matter what, we alway have so much fun!

Friday, we avoided the malls at all costs! I feel like if I wasn't buying some sort of electronics or an abundance of toys, everything I needed to buy could be purchased online. Thank god for that technology! Instead me and the boy helped my cousin move her bed out of her condo since she will now have renters in there! We were still in a slight turkey coma and couldn't figure out how we were going to get it back to her house since it didn't fit in the pick up truck we had. That boy of mine is quite brilliant and recommended we head to Home Depot to get one of those trucks you can rent. WELL it was quite a comedy skit! We were strapped in the front seat, the only seat I might add, like a bunch of construction workers headed to a job!
As you can see I was hysterical laughing the entire time! What usually takes about a 15 minute ride felt like a 45 minute ride in that dang thing! It was a pretty comical adventure driving that thing and moving an already assembled bed.
Friday night, our town has their Annual Holiday Parade. Another tradition we have is the Friday after Thanksgiving, we always have T-day #2 at the boys house since his grandmother lives 4 houses from our main street where the parade takes place. Holiday's are much more fun when there are kiddies running around with excitement. We only have one little guy in our family and Luke has like 10! (or it feel like it!)
Personally, I felt like the parade was terr-eee-blee!! I don't know what's going on here people but it was not pretty. Here are a few pics, and a few not because we were lazy, but because this was pretty much all we saw! As long as the kid's loved it, I guess all was good.
After that we went out for a few drinks with friends and watched my ducks kick some Beaver Butt! It was a very close game and my nerves were on edge. Hey a win is a win : )
Speaking of winning, Giants had a big win this weekend as well!!
Thank god they pulled that one off!
Sorry for the long post! Lots of exciting things to share!
Haha, I am like you, I will eat sides all day long but quickly got over the turkey! Looks like a wonderful thanksgiving!