Hope you all have a
safe Halloween! Enjoy all the candy, costumes and craziness!! J
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
The Great Jack O'Lantern Blaze!
Just becasue it's Halloween Week doesn't mean
all our festivities are completed and
all we have left to do is dress up and show off
our costumes!
Oh no no no!
On Monday, we had bought tickets to go see
he Great Jack'O Lantern Blaze!
I think it is pretty self explanitory what this
bad boy was all about.
Just saying.
The pictures really do not do this place
The pumpkins were actually pretty cool,
all real and must have taken quite a bit of
It is definately something to take the kiddies
to go see in the future.
I was truly amazed at how many pumps they
actually had.
They were ALL over the ground, on the walls,
railings AND in the dang trees!
Yes, they were hanging from every freakin' tree
as bats,
or butterflies, or fairies.
They really left nothing pumpkinless.
See for yo self!
Amazing bee hive! With blinking bees around it.
This picture is
horrible, but the "Sunflower Field" was unreal!
Hello people, this was HUGE. Huge doesn't even
being to explain.
Simply amazingly talented!
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
History in the Making
This post is a little
random, but it is something I want to remember forever
and that is what this
blog is about right?
Remembering life events, moments in time and
being honest
about my feelings in those moments and the way it has changed me.
A little over 12
years ago,
our lives had changes more than we ever could have imagined.
only 15 minutes away, and being able to see that beautiful NYC Skyline
from my
bedroom window is a privilege and something we often take for granted.
Let’s be
honest, when something seems so natural,
normal and everyday to us, we forget
to just sit back, breath and
actually appreciate the beautiful things around us
and be thankful
for what we are able to be a part of.
On September 11, 2001
that beautiful view I peaked at
every time I walked out my front door would
never ever be the same.
It has been 12 years
and A LOT has happened within those
12 years and yet some things just seem like
they are taking forever to progress.
Many people around the country and the world,
that don’t have the opportunity to walk through
New York City everyday or even
once a month aren’t
reminded of the progress this great city is still making.
We have come a long way no doubt about it,
we have climbed up a mighty tall
mountain and
have reached goals and came back stronger than ever,
but there is
still much that needs to be done.
I have the pleasure
of working right across the street from ground zero.
My train stops right
underneath the construction zone that continues on,
underneath the new fountains that have
placed in memory of those lost and underneath the gorgeous new buildings
that are
being built to continue this ongoing
renovation of Lower Manhattan.
This leads me to the
amazement that I can say
I am living through another historical moment in time.
When we were younger we heard of historical events
and read about past presidents,
wars and monumental times
and these lessons and events are carrying on to our
children and children to come.
It also amazes me that 9/11 is actually
history books and taught to children that were not yet a blessing
on this earth
and now look at this change in history as we once looked at our history books.
I have lived through
that infinite day in United States history and as much as this place has worked
its butt off to recover and rebuild there are still things that need to be done.
On October 24, 2013 I
had the pleasure of being one of the first people
to experience a milestone
accomplishment here in
Lower Manhattan at the World Trade Center
as the
underground walkway tunnel that connects
the train to the building I work in
was completed and opened to the public.
I will never forget the feeling of
pride I had
for the hard working men and women
that I see and hear every day as
I walked past had built something
so extraordinary
and truly a piece of history
to come.
I’ll never forget how bright, clean and fresh it felt.
The way the architecture
was developed like something
I had never seen before,
and surely never
This underground
walkway will eventually connect office buildings
that lie on the Hudson River
to the World Trade Center
as well as 13 Subway trains and trains to New Jersey.
Like I said,
when things become a routine, normal, everyday occurrences
often take advantage and never really stop to think about
all the little things
going on around us.
I am guilty of that and this moment has reminded me to
look around and appreciate what’s around.
Appreciate the opportunities
and the experiences
we are given every single day.
I am a part of
I can tell my children and their children that I was here on the first
I was honored to be the first one
to walk those halls and I will always
the magnificent things of life.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Happy Halloween Weeeek!!
First things first…HAPPY HALLOWEEN WEEK!!
After all the fun fall things we have done this
year it’s insane to think that Halloween is here already!
On Halloween will be heading into the city for
the Halloween Parade,
lots of drinks and hours of watching crazy
people seep out of the woodwork
for their one night of actually being normal!
I’m not kidding,
NYC is a craaazy place and there are way too
many crazies living here.
SO if you are going out in the city or anyplace
this Halloween be careful! J
Now a little weekend recap on this breezy
Monday in October.
On Friday we got ready for our big zombie
race Run For Your Lives!
We had a nice dinner with my dad and after we
just relaxed and
decided to scan some old pictures onto the new
First of all I was super shocked my good ol’
printer/scanner/copy machine circa 2006
works AND it did a pretty decent job of scanning old pictures.
When I say old I mean baby pictures of the boy,
sitting on the toilet with a loaded Nerf gun.
(Obviously in case someone busted in the b-room
DUH! He was indeed a cutie.
We also went through old middle school and high
school pictures!
I just laugh at the outfits and hair styles
that we thought were
cool and we looked so good back then.
Granted some of these pictures were 10-13 years
ago so you can imagine.
It’s going to be pretty interesting when I look
back on this blog in
10 years and cry laugh at how ridiculous
we looked.
But I’ll embrace it and laugh just as I did on Friday.
(No seriously, I’ll prob cry!)
Saturday we were up with the birds and headed
into Brooklyn at 7am for our run!
It was FREEZING and I was about as happy as a
kid dropping his ice cream cone!
UGH! But I put a smile on my face and we headed
on out.
Brooklyn is a little awkward to get to from
where I live
because there really is no easy way, so it took
us a little less than an hour
but we always have our best times in the car
Once we got there is was even more windy than
at home – imagine my excitement now.
Once we were all registered, bibs pinned and
zombies in view I actually started getting excited.
They had an entire tent setup for the zombies
to get professional makeup done
and fake blood splash all over them.
Not gunna lie, next year I may have to be a
zombie just for the makeup sesh.
We were nervous taking a camera on the run with
because we didn’t know what the obstacles were
going to be like
and we didn’t want to risk the camera’s
breaking or getting wet,
so we waiting until after the run to capture
the excitement.
But before that I’ll give you a quick rundown
of the race.
This was only my 2nd real race and I’m
not going to lie it was pray-tay fun.
I won’t give away all the secrets but in
summary you have to wear a belt with
3 flags lives that the zombies have to
grab to infect you!
There are so many zombies at one time in a huge
like 50, and these are not the slow,
wheezing clumsy zombies you see on Walking
I KNOW I thought that’s how they were going to
be too…lies!
Okay enough of my rant!
Yes the zombies were quick and there were a lot
of them and unlike a normal 5k
we were sprinting A LOT
so it was exhausting and breaks were definitely
End of story I would have died on the 3rd
cluster if it wasn’t for Luke letting me hide behind him! J Blessing that boy is!
And one last thing, I only saw 2 people that
survived the race!
The odds were definitely against us, but it was
still a lot of fun!
After the race they were nice enough to offer a
free beer,
which we took FULL advantage of, and then some.
Here are some quick pics we snapped.
Ahh beer! So proud to be infect!
Showing those zombies who's really boss. Not.
After the race we were starving from all our
hard work,
drinking beer so we decided to head into the
for one of our favorite spots, Shake Shack.
If you ever get the chance to come to NY
you have to get there for lunch!
Imagine a Crabby Patty from Spongebob
(yes I went there).
Their burgers are just the cutest and so
So into the city we went.
OF COURSE the boy is on his phone and see’s
that our
favorite artist just put something in Brooklyn, how convenient!
So we put it in the GPS and headed on over.
It was actually on the way to the city so it
wasn’t a big detour.
Truth be told!
Just as we were leaving the race,
my brother had called from work and invited us
up to see the town’s Halloween Parade.
He works in Tarrytown/Sleepy Hallow, NY
and we have been trying to get up to visit him
for lunch one day,
and this
was the perfect opportunity.
First of all the town was SO cute!
They have two main streets will cute little
stores and restaurants,
I could definitely move up there!
The parade was cute too! Since it is Sleepy
of course they had to have the headless
Highlight of the parade!
After that we just grabbed some dinner with him
and ended up
hanging out there for 5 hours! Haha!
What a great sister I am!
After that you can only imagine how exhausted
we were!
Straight to the shower and into bed I went,
and I couldn’t have been any happier!
Handling the business. So cute he is.
Handling my business...obvi.
Gorgeous Tarrytown, NY.
The king of the town.
Sunday was spent at my weekly football game
the Giants won their second pathetic game of the season.
2-7…still hopeful?
Hope you guys had a good weekend. It is finally feeling like chilly fall is here!
Friday, October 25, 2013
Five on Friday!
:: one ::
I am pretty excited for our
Halloween costumes this year! Every year we try to coordinate and somehow we
always end up being two completely different things. However, this year we are
100% coordinated and it is pretty dang funny when we put it all together. They
are homemade which I LOVE so much better. Definitely going to stick to that for
as long as possible! Can’t wait to reveal the pictures!! Sadly, we all have to
wait till next week!
:: two ::
On Wednesday it was my beautiful
little mama’s birthday! She turned 6 (42) but you would never even know because she
has such a little puppy attitude. I still can’t believe in January we will have
her 6 years and she was the tiniest little monster. One day I’ll tell the
hysterical story of how she came into our lives but for now Happy Birthday Mama
:: three ::
I have been DYING to go
horseback riding for the last 279561 8 years or so. YES 8 years because
no one ever wants to go with me, or I get the old “yea we’ll go” and it never
happens. SO apparently on Sunday we are “supposed” to be going and I cannot
contain my excitement! It will honestly make my fall…no my year!! Fingers crossed
it will finally happen!
:: four ::
So I can’t say I’m deprived but I
am totally itching for a vacation! I feel like I have been…okay deprived of a
nice trip for way too long! I have my planning pants on and I am in hopes to
have something happening by the beginning of next year! Any suggestions of
places I need to see?!!
:: five ::
Saving the best for last!
Tomorrow me and the boy will be participating in “Run For Your Lives Zombie Run”!
If you know me you will know I am the farthest thing from a runner. However I have
been working at it and ran my first 5K this summer! To my surprise I actually
enjoyed it and decided to sign up for this bay! Let’s be honest, who doesn’t want
to pretend to actually live in a world where zombies chase after you?! Walking Dead obsessed much?! I have attached the link below
in case anyone is interested in checking this out or you can wait for my crying
complaining awesome recap!

Thursday, October 24, 2013
Better Late Than Never.... Weekend Recap!
I totally flaked and forgot to post a weekend update from last weekend.
Okay! If you remember in my 5 on Friday I mentiontion this Banksy street artist who has pretty much cause a ruckus in NYC for the last month. Well me and the boy decided to hit up the streets and get a piece of what the madness is all about. He drove into the city to meet me after work and off we went.
Side note, on our way to one of Banksy pieces, we ran into this interested display on 10th Ave and since we were in an artful place of mind we decided to stop and observe. Pretty interesting stuff here people!
It is pretty amazing when you actually think about how BIG this city is and how many things you really have no idea about. I mean, I come here every single day, I've seen a pretty large amount of the city and I still find myself amazed by thing's I still have yet to see. Ugh amazing!
Anyway, now the main event. This is the Banksy piece we able to track down last Friday night.
PLease note I was photo bombed by the security guard! Straight creepin'!
(Oh this guy!)
We were also able to go and see another piece that was a few blocks away. Unfortunately, people are destructive and hateful, so this piece was ruined but you can still see the dog doing his business hahaha! (Hey it's art right?)
After our little hunt we ended up heading back to Jersey for a nice dinner. How could you pass up this view?!! New York may be a concrete jungle but it sure does sparkle!
NOO FILTER! This is real life!
Saturday was an errand day and then we eneded up going our to dinner with friends. No pics :( but the food was wayyyyy too good to pause and appreciate! I'm trying here!
On every Sunday during the fall you can find my freezing butt watching these cuties at 9.. yes NINE in the morning. That's loyalty right there! But I do have to say I enjoy watching them and laughing at all the silly things they do and say.
Thank goodness the next week is almost here! (not that anyone is counting!!)
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